Leaf Curbside Pick Up


Public Works Leaf Pick Up Program is scheduled to begin the week of October 28, 2024.  The start and end date of the program is contingent upon weather conditions.


Leaves must be at curbside the morning of your pickup day.  The Public Works Department picks up leaves in the morning and does not return for afternoon pickup. 


Monday - All areas south of the railroad tracks

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - All areas north of the railroad tracks to Cortland Center Rd

Friday - All areas north of Cortland Center Rd

  1. The Town cannot guarantee that all leaves placed on the parkway near the end of the program will be picked up. For this reason, we ask for your cooperation in raking early and encourage the use of Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS) yard waste collection service (see #7 for additional information).
  2. To assure pick up, have your leaves raked out on the parkway as close as you can to the back edge of the curb. The suction hoses on the machines can only reach so far and cannot get close to trees or mailboxes. Do NOT rake leaves into the street. Leaves placed in the street can cause safety problems for vehicular traffic along with potential flooding.
  3. Rake leaves into loose rows/piles. Leaves containing branches, brush, grass clippings, animal waste or other debris will NOT be picked up.
  4. Vehicles blocking piles of leaves will prevent them from being picked up.
  5. Avoid raking leaves near catch basins, culvert pipes or into ditches. This can cause severe flooding problems in the event of heavy rain.
  6. Do not wait until all of your leaves have fallen to begin raking. The Leaf Pick Up Program may come to an early end upon snowfall.  We encourage residents to rake early and rake often.
  7. Lakeshore Recycling Systems collects yard waste until November 30.  Leaves may be placed in biodegradable lawn, landscape or yard waste bags, or in a dedicated container marked with an "X" or "Yard Waste".  Plastic bags are not acceptable. Containers or bags will be picked up on your regularly scheduled collection day and must weigh less than 50 pounds.


Any additional questions, please call Town Hall at 815-756-9041.